Autotech - Engine Diagnostic testing

Diagnosing car problems and warning lights in Spilsby

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The latest equipment in diagnostics

Whilst it may seem that identifying a warning light on your car is easy. This small bit of kit is state-of-the-art and ensures anyone with car issues can have a problem solved in no time at all. At Autotech, we invest in the latest equipment when it comes to diagnostics as cars are evolving all the time. New models come out which can have more complex issues and keeping up to date with technology and equipment means we can help more customers that come through our doors. This diagnostic tool hooks up to any car identifies its specific make and model and can download any errors within the system. It then displays a series of codes which our mechanics translate to find out the exact cause of any issues.

Book Online with Autotech

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Typical errors from warning lights

Often your car will let you know the general area where there are problems. Typical areas where errors can occur are the bulbs, petrol, oil levels, braking systems and engine issues, airbags, batteries and tyres. We help find the exact cause and get your vehicle back on the road as soon as possible. Once we’ve detected the cause of the problem, we’ll then notify you of the work that needs to be done and how much it will cost.

Are additional repairs included in the cost?

Unfortunately, until we can accurately diagnose any repairs, we don’t know how much it will cost to repair them. The diagnostic test price is to find the exact cause of the issue without having to take your car apart and spend hours hunting for the issue. It enables our technology to quickly and accurately find the cause of any issues, so we can get to work providing you with an accurate quote.

How to Book Online

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